NetBeans IDE 10.0

NetBeans IDE is een in Java geschreven ontwikkelomgeving bedoeld om programma’s te schrijven, compileren, debuggen en implementeren. Het biedt ondersteuning voor verschillende programmeertalen, zoals Java, C++ en PHP. Sinds eind 2016 valt het onder het beheer van de Apache Software Foundation nadat Oracle besloot het van de hand te doen, die het op zijn beurt weer verkregen had met de overname van Sun Microsystems. Versie 10.0 is vrijgegeven waar ondersteuning van JDK 11.0, PHP 7.3 en JUnit 5 de focus hebben gekregen. De bijbehorende beknopte aankondiging ziet er als volgt uit: Apache NetBeans (incubating) 10.0 Released The Apache NetBeans team is proud to announce the release of Apache NetBeans (incubating) 10.0. Apache NetBeans (incubating) 10.0 constitutes all but the enterprise cluster in the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the NetBeans Platform (i.e., the underlying application framework), as well as all the modules that provide the Java SE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy features of Apache NetBeans. In short, Apache NetBeans (incubating) 10.0 is a full IDE for Java SE, PHP and JavaScript development with some Groovy language support. Read more on our download page: New & Noteworthy features of the 10.0 Release: See the below for the donation status of features that have not been donated or included in Apache builds yet, i.e., are not part of Apache NetBeans (incubating) 10.0, e.g., features for working with C/C++, and more: Work is being done on bringing to Apache. In the meantime, refer to the below for all details related to Apache NetBeans:


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