Volgens het Nationaal Koffie & Thee Onderzoek uit 2022 drinkt 8 op de 10 Nederlanders wel eens koffie. Buiten de standaard koffiepakken in de supermarkt zijn er verschillende branderijen die specialty koffies aanbieden. De technische hobbyist kan nog een volgende stap nemen en aan de slag met een koffiebrander om alles naar eigen wensen aan te passen. Één van de belangrijkste dingen tijdens het branden van de koffiebonen is het vastleggen en volgen van een brandprofiel om tot een reproduceerbaar resultaat te komen. Een opensource oplossing voor het bijhouden en volgen van deze profielen is Artisan. Voor extra informatie in videovorm over het branden van koffiebonen is “Coffee Roasting Explained” van James Hoffmann een goed startpunt, die opgevolgd kan worden door de “Getting the Most from Artisan’s Tools” video. Op ons forum komen koffie geïnteresseerden bij elkaar in het Koffie: van hele boon tot kop lekkernij topic. Artisan versie 2.8.4 is enkele dagen geleden uitgebracht met de volgende aankondiging: What’s New? We worked together with our new machine sponsor Kaleido & Beanseeker to deeply integrate their new communication protocols into Artisan. This allows now to take total control over the machine also via WLAN and nicely synchronizes with its state back with Artisan. Custom Event Buttons This work led to some extensions of the event button mechanism. There are now additional button actions which allow to set button states (normal/pressed) and a new placeholder variable $ which holds the state of the button. There are now also additional substitutions applied to the event button names supporting localization. For example, \1 is substituted by the translation of the string ON into the selected language. Same holds for \3, however, here the substitution respects the button state and switches to the translation of OFF if the button state is pressed. Similar translated substitutions are available for START/STOP, OPEN/CLOSE and some others. As always, you can find the detailed documentation on the various button actions in the corresponding Help dialog accessible from within the events dialog (menu Config >> Events, 2nd tab Buttons) and some examples in Buttons – Appearance, State, and Action. Event Marks on ET Artisan prefers to annotate major event information like time and temperature of CHARGE or DRY on the bean temperature curve (BT). With this version those annotations are rendered on the environmental temperature curve (ET) if the BT curve is hidden (here by a click on the BT LCD). Windows/Linux Dark Mode After having introduced dark mode support in v2.1 in 2019 for macOS, we now added dark mode support for Windows 10 (1607+), Windows 11, and Linux under Gnome. This requires the UI style set to anything different from WindowsVista (menu Config >> Curves, last tab UI). Artisan will automatically adjust its menus and dialogs when the display mode is changed to dark. Note that colors used in the graph area respect the settings in Config >> Colors and as set in Config >> Themes. The theme Midnight was used for the screenshot below. More There are many other useful additions and changes to be discovered in this version, like the support of a direct Bluetooth BLE connection to IKAWA sample roasters as well as the following fixes relevant for specific configurations. See the full Release History for all details. Platform Fixes
Artisan 2.8.4
Volgens het Nationaal Koffie & Thee Onderzoek uit 2022 drinkt 8 op de 10 Nederlanders wel eens koffie. Buiten de standaard koffiepakken in de supermarkt zijn er verschillende branderijen die specialty koffies aanbieden. De technische hobbyist kan nog een volgende stap nemen en aan de slag met een koffiebrander om alles naar eigen wensen aan te passen. Één van de belangrijkste dingen tijdens het branden van de koffiebonen is het vastleggen en volgen van een brandprofiel om tot een reproduceerbaar resultaat te komen. Een opensource oplossing voor het bijhouden en volgen van deze profielen is Artisan. Voor extra informatie in videovorm over het branden van koffiebonen is “Coffee Roasting Explained” van James Hoffmann een goed startpunt, die opgevolgd kan worden door de “Getting the Most from Artisan’s Tools” video. Op ons forum komen koffie geïnteresseerden bij elkaar in het Koffie: van hele boon tot kop lekkernij topic. Artisan versie 2.8.4 is enkele dagen geleden uitgebracht met de volgende aankondiging: What’s New? We worked together with our new machine sponsor Kaleido & Beanseeker to deeply integrate their new communication protocols into Artisan. This allows now to take total control over the machine also via WLAN and nicely synchronizes with its state back with Artisan. Custom Event Buttons This work led to some extensions of the event button mechanism. There are now additional button actions which allow to set button states (normal/pressed) and a new placeholder variable $ which holds the state of the button. There are now also additional substitutions applied to the event button names supporting localization. For example, \1 is substituted by the translation of the string ON into the selected language. Same holds for \3, however, here the substitution respects the button state and switches to the translation of OFF if the button state is pressed. Similar translated substitutions are available for START/STOP, OPEN/CLOSE and some others. As always, you can find the detailed documentation on the various button actions in the corresponding Help dialog accessible from within the events dialog (menu Config >> Events, 2nd tab Buttons) and some examples in Buttons – Appearance, State, and Action. Event Marks on ET Artisan prefers to annotate major event information like time and temperature of CHARGE or DRY on the bean temperature curve (BT). With this version those annotations are rendered on the environmental temperature curve (ET) if the BT curve is hidden (here by a click on the BT LCD). Windows/Linux Dark Mode After having introduced dark mode support in v2.1 in 2019 for macOS, we now added dark mode support for Windows 10 (1607+), Windows 11, and Linux under Gnome. This requires the UI style set to anything different from WindowsVista (menu Config >> Curves, last tab UI). Artisan will automatically adjust its menus and dialogs when the display mode is changed to dark. Note that colors used in the graph area respect the settings in Config >> Colors and as set in Config >> Themes. The theme Midnight was used for the screenshot below. More There are many other useful additions and changes to be discovered in this version, like the support of a direct Bluetooth BLE connection to IKAWA sample roasters as well as the following fixes relevant for specific configurations. See the full Release History for all details. Platform Fixes