De Document Foundation heeft LibreOffice 6.1.4 uitgebracht. Dit opensource-officepakket is ontstaan als afsplitsing van OpenOffice en wordt geleverd met tekstverwerker Writer, spreadsheetprogramma Calc, presentatieprogramma Impress, tekenprogramma Draw, databaseprogramma Base en Formula, een applicatie om wetenschappelijke notaties mee te maken. De aankonding van deze uitgave ziet er als volgt uit: LibreOffice 6.1.4 announced The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.1.4, the 4th minor release of the LibreOffice 6.1 family, targeted at tech savvy individuals: early adopters, technology enthusiasts and power users. LibreOffice 6.1.4 provides over 120 bug and regression fixes over the previous version, contributed by a thriving community of developers, which are described in the change log pages: changed in RC1 and changed in RC2. LibreOffice users are invited to join the community at, where they can get and provide user-to-user support. While TDF can not provide commercial level support, there are guides, manuals, tutorials and HowTo on the website and the wiki. Your donation help us make these available. Enterprise deployments LibreOffice 6.1.4 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, and as such is not optimized for enterprise class deployments, where features are less important than robustness. Users wanting a more mature version can download LibreOffice 6.0.7, which includes some months of back-ported fixes.