Rust 1.65.0

Rust is een programmeertaal bedacht door Graydon Hoare en oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld door Mozilla. Het is deels geïnspireerd op de programmeertaal C, maar kent syntactische en semantische verschillen. Het focust op veiligheid en beoogt moderne computersystemen efficiënter te benutten. Het wordt ingezet door onder ander Cloudflare, OVH, Mozilla, Deliveroo, Coursera, AppSignal en Threema. Versie 1.65.0 is vorige maand uitgebracht met de volgende aankondiging: Announcing Rust 1.65.0 The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.65.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Before going into the details of the new Rust release, we’d like to draw attention to the tragic death of Mahsa Amini and the death and violent suppression of many others, by the religious morality police of Iran. See for more details. We stand in solidarity with the people in Iran struggling for human rights. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.65.0 with: rustup update stable If you don’t have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.65.0 on GitHub. If you’d like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across! What’s in 1.65.0 stable Generic associated types (GATs) Lifetime, type, and const generics can now be defined on associated types, like so: trait Foo { type Bar Option Self::Array


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Rust 1.65.0

Rust is een programmeertaal bedacht door Graydon Hoare en oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld door Mozilla. Het is deels geïnspireerd op de programmeertaal C, maar kent syntactische en semantische verschillen. Het focust op veiligheid en beoogt moderne computersystemen efficiënter te benutten. Het wordt ingezet door onder ander Cloudflare, OVH, Mozilla, Deliveroo, Coursera, AppSignal en Threema. Versie 1.65.0 is vorige maand uitgebracht met de volgende aankondiging: Announcing Rust 1.65.0 The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.65.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Before going into the details of the new Rust release, we’d like to draw attention to the tragic death of Mahsa Amini and the death and violent suppression of many others, by the religious morality police of Iran. See for more details. We stand in solidarity with the people in Iran struggling for human rights. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.65.0 with: rustup update stable If you don’t have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.65.0 on GitHub. If you’d like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across! What’s in 1.65.0 stable Generic associated types (GATs) Lifetime, type, and const generics can now be defined on associated types, like so: trait Foo { type Bar Option Self::Array


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