Sulu is een contentmanagementsysteem dat is gebouwd op Symfony, een php-webapplicatieframework. Voor meer informatie over het hoe en wat verwijzen we naar deze pagina. Het ontwikkelteam van Sulu heeft versies 2.2.2, 2.1.6 en 1.6.38 uitgebracht. De bijbehorende aankondiging en lijst met aanpassingen zien er als volgt uit: Sulu Release 1.6.38, 2.1.6 & 2.2.2 In accordance with our release guidelines, the 2.0.x version will no longer be published, but we are releasing Sulu 1.6.38, 2.1.6 and 2.2.2 today. So now you should update to at least Sulu 2.1 in order to receive further bug fixes, including those described in this blog post. In addition to bug fixes, we have also snuck in a mini-feature, which enables content managers to filter content within a smart content by a type. So a smart content can now be configured to only return pages with a certain template, or media of a certain type. Examples of media types include image or document. Release 1.6.38 This release fixes an issue with redirects. If a page is requested in a format other than HTML (e.g. JSON or XML), and the response redirects to another URL, then the format is lost. That means if you’ve originally requested a JSON page, you might have received HTML after a redirect! Alexander Schoonderwaldt has reported and fixed this issue, thank you very much for that! Release 2.1.6 This is the release containing the new mini-feature mentioned above. With types, a new possibility to filter the result of a smart content has been introduced. This way the editor can filter pages and snippets by their template and media by their type (whether the file is a document, image, video or audio). Unfortunately, we had to introduce a breaking change in order to introduce that feature. With the new feature there was an error when clearing the cache if a database connection had not yet been configured. We fixed that, but now each SmartContent DataProvider has to correctly enable the audience targeting filter on its own. Read more about that in our file. Sulu 2.1.6 not only includes this new feature, but also some bug fixes. The following list only includes the most important ones, but there are more, including some annotation fixes for PHPStan.