Google Chrome 71.0.3578.80

Google heeft versie 71 van zijn webbrowser Chrome uitgebracht. Google Chrome is beschikbaar voor Windows, Linux en macOS. Er zijn ook versies voor Android en iOS, maar die volgen een iets ander releaseschema. Sinds versie 50 is de ondersteuning voor oudere versies van Windows en macOS vervallen. De belangrijkste veranderingen in deze uitgave, naast de gebruikelijke bug- en security fixes, zijn hieronder voor je op een rijtje gezet. International Relative Time Format^ When writing (and speaking), phrases such as ‘yesterday’ or ‘in three months’ are common. Yet such phrases are not part of built-in date and time APIs. To fill this need, libraries provide utility functions to provide localized versions of such phrases. The downside to this approach is that using these functions on the web requires downloading lists of customary words or phrases for each supported language. This increases a library’s bundle size and download time. Chrome 71 introduces Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(), which shifts the burden to the JavaScript engine. This new API has a number of capabilities including such things as retrieving information for multiple languages, dealing with parts of a date or time individually (in other words, formatToParts()), and more. Read our article for details. Add FullscreenOptions^ The Element.requestFullscreen() method can now be customized on Android using an optional options parameter. Its navigationUI parameter allows you to choose between making the navigation bar visible versus a completely immersive mode where no user agent controls are shown until a gesture is performed. Possible values are “auto”, “show”, and “hide”. This value expresses an application preference, with “auto” meaning no preference. The UI may overrule this vale in any case. Add ‘persistent-storage’ property to the Permission API^ The “persistent-storage” property is a new permission for the Permission API. The permission state can already be queried with, with this change navigator.permissions.query({name:”persistent-storage”}) can be used as well. Async touchpad pinch zoom events^ Async touchpad pinch zoom events are for improving the page pinch zoom performance. Currently, the touchpad pinch zoom exposes a control wheel event that allows JS to cancel it. With this change, if the user doesn’t make a pinch action on the touchpad, effectively canceling the control wheel event, then following control wheel events are not cancelable. But JavaScript does not know which ctrl wheel is the first one in the sequence, so if you want to cancel pinch zoom, you need to cancel all of them. COLR/CPAL font support^ Chrome now supports COLR/CPAL fonts which are a type of OpenType color font composed of layers of vector outline glyphs and color palette information into the final colored glyph. With this change, Chrome supports three color font formats cross-platform, the other two being CBDT/CBLC and SBIX. Because they are vector based, COLR/CPAL fonts provide for faster downloads and require less storage. An example of a COLR/CPAL font is the Twemoji color font. CSS gradient color stop double-position syntax^ Support is added for the stop position syntax from the CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 4 spec. Currently, repeating colors require explicit positions. For example:


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