SQL Server Management Studio 18.1

Microsoft heeft SQL Server Management Studio 18.1, vaak afgekort tot SSMS, uitgebracht. Met SSMS kun je een Microsoft SQL-omgeving beheren, bijvoorbeeld een on-premise SQL Server, maar ook een Azure SQL Data Warehouse in de cloud. Het biedt tools voor de configuratie, monitoring en ingebruikname van de verschillende datatiercomponenten. Daarnaast kun je queries en scripts in elkaar zetten. De bijbehorende aankondiging ziet er als volgt uit: SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.1 is now generally available We’re excited to announce the release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.1. It’s been just over a month since we released SSMS 18.0. While we brought in many fantastic capabilities, we also regressed some functionality for some of our users. We are happy to share that we’ve fixed those and are also bringing in some new features along with bug fixes. As many of you may know, we have already enabled certain Azure Data Studio capabilities such as launching Notebooks, ADS, etc. from SSMS. In our June release of Azure Data Studio, we also enabled launching SSMS functionality from Azure Data Studio. You can check Alan’s blog post describing these features to learn more. You can download SQL Server Management Studio 18.1 today and review the SSMS release notes for further details. Some of the recent updates include: SSMS


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