Home Assistant 0.96.4

Home Assistant is een opensourceplatform voor home-automation dat draait onder Python 3. Het draait via Hassbian op een Raspberry Pi 3 of een Linux-, macOS- of Windows-computer. Het ondersteunt het detecteren van apparaten, zoals Nest-thermostaten, Philips Hue, Belkin WeMo-schakelaars, Mr. Coffee-koffiezetapparaten, de slimme schakelaars van IKEA en het mqtt-protocol. Daarnaast kan het waar mogelijk deze apparaten aansturen en automatisering toepassen. Voor meer informatie verwijzen we naar deze pagina en ons Forum. De ontwikkelaars hebben versie 0.96.4 uitgebracht, met de volgende aanpassingen. 0.96: Notion, updated sidebar, advanced mode It’s time for Home Assistant 0.96. It’s a great release, but we also made some changes, so please pay attention. Last release that supports Python 3.5 This will be the last release that supports Python 3.5. Home Assistant 0.97 will require at least Python 3.6. If you are using Hass.io or Docker, you will not have to do anything. If you are running Hassbian, upgrade instructions are here. If you run Home Assistant inside a virtual environment, please follow the instructions for your OS to update. Home Assistant has adopted a new Python support strategy. Starting August 1, we will now support the last two minor stable releases of Python. This is currently Python 3.6 and Python 3.7. Python 3.8 is expected to be released near the end of the year. Once that is released, Python 3.6 support is deprecated and removed 2 months later. Pimp my Sidebar The sidebar has gotten an improved look! Idea started with a mockup by @JuanMTech on Twitter and grew into a full blown implementation. When visiting Home Assistant on devices with big screens (tablets, laptops, desktops), the sidebar will now always be visible in a minimized mode with the ability to fully hide it via the profile page. The developer tool buttons have been collapsed into a single menu item. The dev tools will now store it’s exact state when you navigate away, included the dev tool that is open. We’ve also taken the opportunity to make notifications accessible from the sidebar, instead of only via the Lovelace UI. On mobile devices the sidebar will behave like it previously did. Check the demo for a preview. Climate This release includes a major clean up of our climate integration, correcting some architectural flaws from the past. The goal of this clean up was to a better job at providing an abstraction layer that fits many devices. This will improve compatibility with services that interact with Home Assistant (like Alexa/Google) and will allow us to make sure the UI works for everyone. We’ve done a lot of testing during the beta, but there might still be things that don’t work as expected. If you notice anything, please report by opening a bug report. For a breakdown of what was driving the change, check our blog post on the dev blog. The following things have been changed:


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