Matomo 3.11.0

Versie 3.11.0 van Matomo is uitgekomen. Matomo is de nieuwe naam van Piwik en is een opensourcealternatief voor Google Analytics. Het maakt gebruik van php en een MySQL-database om zijn werk te doen. De functionaliteit kan eenvoudig worden uitgebreid met plug-ins, waarvan er ruim twintig worden meegeleverd. Natuurlijk kun je deze ook uitzetten als bepaalde functionaliteit niet nodig is. Voor meer informatie over Matomo verwijzen we naar deze pagina en een overzicht van de planning is op deze pagina te vinden. De releasenotes voor deze uitgave zien er als volgt uit: What’s new? This release includes security improvements (including a security fix) and also several performance improvements and bug fixes. In terms of new feature, you can now create Goals that are triggered when visitors stay for a certain amount of time on the website (when the visit duration is greater than X minutes). This lets you measure and later segment your users who are more engaged and stay longer on your website. In terms of security improvements, a basic rate limiter for password resets was added which prevents possible mass emailing (when many password resets are requested within a short time). Another issue has been fixed where affected users’ passwords were mistakenly changed to a weak value. Now minimal password strengths requirements are enforced (forcing users with very weak passwords to reset them). Also Matomo UI and reports will now send the ‘Referrer-Policy’ header which will prevent leaking the Matomo URL to other websites when you click on links to these websites within Matomo. Several performance improvements were also implemented which can improve speed of some Matomo requests around 10%. Over the next few releases we’re hoping to continue making performance improvements. Also if your Matomo database is replicated (eg. Master-reader configuration) you can now easily configure Matomo to execute read queries on the database reader server, which will reduce CPU usage on the master server and improve speed of all requests (see the new [database_reader] section in the global.ini.php). In terms of UX/Design, we’ve made minor tweaks to improve usability. For example the Websites drop down menu list is now wider and will show the full name of your websites. Several bugs were fixed in the UI, Tracker API, Two-factor compatibility with embedding reports, archiver, and other more minor issues. We are grateful for all community members who reported feedback and suggestions, our awesome team of translators for their work, and our Matomo Cloud hosting customers and Premium features customers for their amazing support! 67 tickets have been closed by more than 19 contributors!


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